
Examination Regulation


+ 2 Stream :

  • For the students +2 classes there shall be the Half Yearly Examination and the Annual Examination for the 1st year students Pre-test and Test examination for 2nd year students. The Pre-Test Examination shall be held in the month of August-September.The Half-yearly examination shall be held in or around December.

  • The Half-yearly examination shall be held in or around December.
  • The Annual Examinations shall be held sometimes in April and the Test Examination in the month of November before form fill up of +2 2nd year students.
  • Promotion to the next higher class or sent up for the final examinations will depend on the student’s performance in the examination.

+ 3 Stream :

  • There are six semester examination is going to be held at University level. The mid-semester examination will be held at college level twice in a year ( Month of October and March)

  • Appearance at the MID-SEM/Terminal and Test Examinations are compulsory for the students.
  • For promotion from 1st year to 2nd year class the marks of both the examinations will be taken into consideration. The marks of the Test Examinations will be taken into consideration to sent up the student to appear at the Annual Council Examination and the marks of MID-SEM examinations is taken into consideration to appear the University Semester examination..
  • A Student will be allowed to retain fourth optional provided he passes in other subject and secures pass marks in the fourth optional subject in any one of the examinations.
  • Generally a student is to secure pass mark (35%) in each and every individual paper for a promotion.
  • A student must have 75% of attendance in Theory and Practical classes separately for being sent up and for promotion to the next higher class.
  • The Staff Council is to meet at the time of tabulation of the result and to fix the criteria for the promotion of a student.
  • Any reported case of indiscipline /malpractice at the examination will be decided by the Staff Council on the basis of the merit of the individual case.
  • The Staff Council has the Power to alter the rules as and when necessary.
  • A student shall not be promoted to the next higher class and shall not be sent up to fill up of the forms for CHSE ./ U.U. Examinations for the non-appearance of Examinations in any one of the subjects offered and not having 60% of attendance in each subject.
  • The name of the student shall be struck off from the College for any indiscipline in the College.